
Mishti Doi or sweet yogurt is a dish popular in Bengal and Orissa. But mostly it is difficult to make it at home as curd does not set well if you add too many ingredients to it. But you can make this delightful, creamy preperation at home by following this simple recipe.
½ litre full cream milk
2+ 3 tsp sugar
4 tsp raisins
½ cup curd
½ tsp cardamom powder
Bring milk to a boil. Add 2 tsp sugar and boil till the milk slightly thickens. Add cardamom powder, remove from fire and allow it to cool slightly. Caramelise the remaining sugar in a pan. Pour the milk over it and mix well. Add curd into the milk and mix well with a blender. Pour into another container, preferably an earthen one and put a lid over it. Now cover the container with a warm cloth and leave overnight. Do not keep checking it or the curd will not set. Now decorate it with raisins and transfer to a refrigerator. Serve chilled.
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